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          The Department of Education Imus administration continuously accelerated improvement plans towards the attainment of “Education for All” (EFA). Part of the strategic plan of the division was building initiatives through CI methodologies which aim to respond existing problems confronted with process or system flow. GEANHS CI projects entitled: Project REAS for S-Readers (Reading is Enjoying while Acquiring Skills for Struggling Readers) aims to establish the teaching reading process for struggling readers in G7 students; to improve the teaching reading process; and to decrease the number of struggling readers to 25%. Through this project, the school expected to meet the standards in reading skills and attain the 100% literacy as an indicator of 21 st century skills. The school and its staff always keep abreast with its development and changes to ensure its clientele towards better service, quality education and continuous improvement.


                 In the setting of the reading program, learners are exposed to the teaching and reading process. Following the research based 4A model in teaching English comprehension and vocabulary, of which the process involves the following dimensions: activity, analysis, abstraction, and application, the 4A model strategy also adapted the Gradual Release of Responsibility framework where students come to take ownership of the learning and begin to apply it as a part of their regular process in reading.

                The 4A model strategy is a learner-centered teaching and reading strategy that has a structured teaching reading lesson fostering students’ potential to engage and enable to maximize their time in the activities. It also provides an avenue for the students to collaborate with their classmates and ignite confidence and motivation among all learners.


             The effective teaching reading strategy of REAS provides a guide on the development of the needs of the students pertaining to reading. The teaching reading process creates positive outcome on students’ achievement that will carry out better outcomes and performances of the students in reading. Moreover, it would improve school performance that further enhanced teachers’ pedagogical practices and this initiative would enable to promote teachers teaching and transforming to fit in the 21st century generation.

The program has the fundamental goal of enhancing and strengthening the future well-being of students align with the vision and mission of the Department of Education.

The main objectives of the program are the following:
      • to establish the teaching reading process for struggling readers in G7 students;
      • to decrease the number of struggling readers to 25% in all levels;
      • to equip learners in their reading skills focused on reading comprehension;
      • to make the learners proficient and independent readers in their Grade Level.
      • to cultivate learners’ love for reading



                 The enriched teaching-reading practices of the reading program targeted to increase students’ engagement in all levels in a child-friendly reading program which improves learners’ reading skills and performance outcomes. The program focuses but not limited to the remediation and/or intervention for the struggling readers in all levels. Vocabulary improvement and comprehension enrichment are also the fundamental skills being developed to the instructional and independent readers in consonance to the 4A model in teaching-reading process.


Normative Reference
DepEd Order No. 39, s. 2012 – Policy Guidelines on addressing Learning Gaps and Implementing a Reading and Writing Program in Secondary Schools Effective School Year (SY) 2012 -2013 – brigade pagbasa
DepEd Memo No. 143 s. 2012 -  stating that reading is the foundation of all academic learning and if the pupils fail to master the basic skills, they can never hope to get through the other disciplines successfully and thereby, deprive them of becoming literate and productive individuals.
DepEd Order No. 44, s. 2015 – Guidelines on the enhanced school improvement planning (SIP) Process and the school report card (SRC)
• The program is also congruent to a study on Reading Habits among Students and its Effect on Academic Performance stating that “both reading and academic achievements are interrelated and dependent on each other.
• Individual differences coupled with several factors such as the ineffective and untrained teacher, the lack of instructional materials, poor classroom environment, and lack of coordination with the home and community agencies have resulted in various types of reading disabilities (Tosco, 2010).
•There is a need for the teachers to engage in teaching methods that integrate vocabulary-oriented and reading comprehension activities (Tamano et al.,2016).



Definition of Terms

  • Reading Program – a remediation, intervention, and enrichment program that address the needs of all the learners in reading

  • Reading Coordinator – focal person on the facilitation of the reading program

  • Reading Teachers – all teachers that carry out the activities of the reading program

  • Struggling Readers – learners from Grade 7 to Grade 10 that are on the “frustration” level in the conduct of pre-reading assessment

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