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GEANHS encourages teaching and non-teaching personnel to engage in physical activity at home for at least 20 minutes daily. The program is in support of SDOIC's program to maintain and enhance the well being of all personnel by living stress free and physically active amid pandemic.


"Exercise and fitness of our personnel are as important as ever, despite the scare of the potential impact of COVID-19," Mrs. Lerma V. Peña, school principal said.


"With children as our priority, we must ensure that our teachers give proper attention to their health," she added.


Western contemporary research shows that leading a physically active lifestyle especially during this time supports both the immune system and mental health.


During a stressful event such as the COVID-19 outbreak, it is important to equip each individual with a sound body and mind which can reduce risks to both communicable and non-communicable diseases.


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"Bayanihan" is surely alive in the hearts of Emilians. Through little and grand ways, administrators and personnel help each other, making the crisis easier to bear.



Emilians for Emilians


In support of SDOIC's "Bayanihan to Heal as One", GEANHS provided assistance to its teaching and non-teaching personnel in the form of five kilos rice.



From April 13 to 17, school administrators led by Mrs. Lerma V. Peña, school principal, and Mr. Pampilo B. Cerbito Jr., Master Teacher I, distributed the sacks to personnel, adhering to health guidelines in social distancing and wearing of masks.


Extending More Help

The Bayanihan act continues on as more and more Emilians extend help for those in need within the school community.


A MAPEH teacher, who wishes to remain anonymous, donated essential grocery food items for non-teaching personnel heavily affected by the ECQ that is expected to end in April 30.


Also, Mr. Henry C. Donsol, Values Department Head, donated face masks to the school's frontliners to help them protect themselves while working during ECQ.


Amid outbreak, GEANHS community will remain as one and will once again open its gates for young learners. Surely, once crisis is overcome, positivity will ensue.

GEANHS Upholds Productivity and Collaboration Through Teleconferencing Applications

The ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic has pushed companies and organizations around the world to transition to remote work. The Luzon Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) made travel minimal, if not impossible, making work from home inevitable.


GEANHS, in its commitment to provide uninterrupted educational services to its students, resorted to the use of digital applications. To maintain communication among its teachers and administrators, robust teleconferencing and collaboration tools were introduced and implemented.


One of the digital applications GEANHS used for video conferencing is Zoom, web-based mobile application that allows users to meet online, with or without video.


Through this app, various meetings are made possible without leaving the house, making work from home easier.

​"The power of technology is surely experienced every time we open the app and discuss matters of importance," Mrs, Lerma V.

Peña, GEANHS school head shared. "Regularly, we (department heads) are able to meet despite the distance and travel limitations. We can collaborate in planning for school programs and projects despite the outbreak," she added.


Indeed, the school community remains vigilant and strong amid COVID-19 pandemic, all for the benefit of Imusenyo learners for the upcoming school year and beyond.

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